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We have skilled and experienced team to give you the best financial solutions as per your needs.

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We are giving the best solution and support in various kind of Insurance, Mutual fund and Loans.

our services

About us


Get to know about our company

Zoom Finserv is the organization where all your Financial solution will be provided with most experience team under one roof. We are giving the best financial solution and services as per your need like, Life Insurance, Health Insurance, General Insurance (Motor), General Insurance (Non-Motor/Fire/Marine), Postal Life Insurance, Mutual Fund, Loans (Home/Personal/Professional/Business/Land against Properties)

Financial Services

Life Insurance

Child Insurance Plan, Money Back Insurance Plan, Whole Life Insurance Plan, Immediate Income Insurance Plan, Term Insurance, Term Insurance with Return Of Premium (ROP), Short Term Plan, Long Term Plan, Business Insurance, NRI Insurance

Health Insurance

Individual/Single Health Insurance, Family Floater Insurance, Maternity Insurance, Senior Citizen Insurance, Special Disease Insurance, Health Insurance Porting, Top-Up

General Insurance (Motor)

Bike, Scooty, Two Wheeler, Three Wheeler, Private Vehicle, Commercial Vehicle, First Party Insurance(Own Damage), Third Party Insurance, Comprehensive Insurance

General Insurance (Non-Motor/Fire/Marine)

Fire Insurance, Burglary Insurance, Home Insurance, Shop Insurance, Marine/Transit Insurance, Construction Insurance, Machinery Breakdown Insurance

Postal Life Insurance

Best Postal Life Insurance (PLI) Plans for Government Employees 2022 Whole Life Assurance (Suraksha) Endowment Assurance (Santosh) Convertible Whole Life Assurance (Suvidha) Anticipated Endowment Assurance (Sumangal) Joint-Life Insurance (Yugal Suraksha) Children Policy (Bal Jeevan Bima)

Bussines Insurance

Business establishments face various risks in their day-to-day operations. Small businesses, in particular, should carefully assess their risks and purchase the right coverage because they face more financial exposure in the event of any loss. There are a plethora of business insurance products available, which include:
General liability insurance that covers legal costs due to accident, injury and claims of negligence; Product liability insurance that provides financial protection in the event that a defective product causes bodily harm or injury; Professional liability insurance that protects business owners from malpractice, damaging errors and negligence when serving a client: Commercial property insurance that provides protection from loss and damage of company property from an assortment of perils; and Home-based business insurance for home-based businesses, which homeowners policies do not cover

Personal Accident

Personal accident insurance provides financial coverage against unforeseen events such as accidents causing bodily injury, permanent partial disability or permanent total disability and accidental death.

Mutual Fund

Mutual funds are operated by professional money managers, who allocate the fund's assets and attempt to produce capital gains or income for the fund's investors.
A mutual fund's portfolio is structured and maintained to match the investment objectives stated in its prospectus.
* Liquidity
* Expert Management
* Flexibility to invest in Smaller Amounts
* Accessibility – Mutual Funds are Easy to Buy
* Schemes for Every Financial Goals
* Safety and Transparency
* Lower cost
* Best Tax Saving Option
* Lowest Lock-in Period
* Lower Tax on the Gains


We are providing loan services to the eligible customers from different banks. Home loan, Personal loan, Professional loan, Business loan, Loan against Properties

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Phone: +91-70991-27349

Landline: 0361-405-0898


Andhu Rabha Path, Odalbakra, Ghy-36
Opposite BOI